At our Global Wildlife Fair, you will get hands-on experience with a variety of workshops. Throughout three major categories, participants will gain practical skills, participate in interactive sessions, and receive expert guidance.


Citizen Science

Empowering Citizens: Involving everyday people in scientific research and conservation.
  1. Building Connections: Encouraging collaboration between scientists and the public.
  2. Real-World Impact: Showing how citizen contributions lead to meaningful conservation outcomes.
  3. Data Collection Skills: Teaching participants how to gather and analyze ecological data.
  4. Community Engagement: Promoting a sense of ownership in local conservation efforts.
  5. Inclusivity in Science: Making science accessible to everyone, regardless of background.
  6. Raising Awareness: Using citizen science to increase public understanding of environmental issues.
  7. Creating Environmental Stewards: Inspiring participants to become lifelong advocates for nature.
Wildlife Counting Techniques
  1. Accurate Population Monitoring: Learning how to estimate wildlife numbers effectively.
  2. Conservation Planning: Using counting techniques to inform wildlife management strategies.
  3. Hands-On Practice: Engaging participants in real-life wildlife counting exercises.
  4. Minimizing Human Impact: Emphasizing non-invasive methods to avoid disturbing wildlife.
  5. Understanding Ecosystem Health: Connecting wildlife numbers to broader ecological indicators.
  6. Technology Integration: Exploring how modern tools enhance traditional counting methods.
  7. Field Data Collection: Equipping participants with skills to gather reliable data in the wild.
  8. Supporting Conservation Goals: Using counting data to advocate for protection measures.
Learning GIS with Arpit Deomorari
  1. Mapping Conservation Efforts: Using GIS to visualize and analyze ecological data.
  2. Spatial Awareness: Understanding how geography influences wildlife and habitats.
  3. Decision-Making Tools: Applying GIS to improve conservation planning and resource allocation.
  4. Interactive Learning: Engaging participants in hands-on GIS mapping exercises.
  5. Tracking Changes: Monitoring environmental changes and their impact on wildlife using GIS.
  6. Community Mapping: Involving local communities in creating maps that reflect their environment.
  7. Data-Driven Conservation: Harnessing GIS for more effective, evidence-based conservation strategies.
  8. Building Technical Skills: Empowering participants with GIS knowledge for future conservation work.
Reading Jungle Signs
  1. Decoding Nature: Learning to interpret the subtle clues left by wildlife in their environment.
  2. Improving Observation Skills: Enhancing participants' ability to notice and understand natural signs.
  3. Connecting with the Wild: Fostering a deeper connection between people and the natural world.
  4. Traditional Knowledge: Incorporating indigenous wisdom in reading and understanding jungle signs.
  5. Non-Invasive Tracking: Promoting the study of wildlife without direct interference.
  6. Conservation Applications: Using sign-reading skills to monitor and protect wildlife populations.
  7. Immersive Learning: Engaging participants in practical, field-based exercises.
  8. Sharing Experiences: Encouraging the exchange of insights and techniques among participants.
Camera Trapping
  1. Capturing Wildlife Secrets: Using camera traps to observe elusive animals without disturbing them.
  2. Behavioral Insights: Understanding animal behavior through camera trap footage.
  3. Techniques for Success: Learning how to strategically place and set up camera traps.
  4. Data Collection: Using camera traps to gather valuable data for conservation research.
  5. Monitoring Wildlife: Tracking species presence and movement patterns over time.
  6. Conservation Storytelling: Sharing compelling images and videos to raise awareness.
  7. Non-Invasive Research: Minimizing human impact while studying wildlife in their natural habitats.
  8. Hands-On Practice: Allowing participants to set up and review their own camera trap footage.
Mist Netting & Ringing
  1. Studying Bird Populations: Using mist nets and ringing to monitor and research bird species.
  2. Safe Capture Techniques: Emphasizing the importance of humane and careful handling.
  3. Data Collection: Recording vital information to contribute to long-term bird conservation efforts.
  4. Migration Insights: Tracking bird movements to understand migration patterns.
  5. Building Identification Skills: Teaching participants how to identify and ring different bird species.
  6. Hands-On Experience: Allowing participants to engage directly in bird monitoring activities.
  7. Conservation Applications: Using ringing data to protect and manage bird populations.
  8. Raising Awareness: Promoting the importance of bird conservation through active participation.
Interacting with Locals
  1. Building Trust: Learning how to establish positive relationships with local communities.
  2. Cultural Sensitivity: Understanding and respecting local traditions and knowledge.
  3. Community-Led Conservation: Empowering locals to take an active role in wildlife protection.
  4. Mutual Learning: Encouraging knowledge exchange between conservationists and locals.
  5. Sustainable Practices: Promoting conservation methods that align with local livelihoods.
  6. Conflict Resolution: Addressing human-wildlife conflicts through community collaboration.
  7. Grassroots Initiatives: Supporting local conservation projects with community involvement.
  8. Long-Term Partnerships: Building lasting relationships that support ongoing conservation efforts.
  1. Crafting a Compelling Message: Learning how to effectively communicate the importance of conservation.
  2. Engaging Donors: Building connections with potential supporters and funders.
  3. Grant Writing Skills: Developing the ability to write successful grant proposals for conservation projects.
  4. Crowdfunding Techniques: Exploring modern approaches to raise funds from a wide audience.
  5. Partnership Development: Creating alliances with businesses, NGOs, and individuals for financial support.
  6. Transparency and Accountability: Emphasizing the importance of ethical fundraising and clear reporting.
  7. Leveraging Media: Using social media and other platforms to increase fundraising efforts.
  8. Sustaining Efforts: Focusing on long-term fundraising strategies to ensure ongoing conservation work.
Identifying Illicit Wildlife Products
  1. Recognizing Illegal Trade: Learning how to spot and identify illegal wildlife products.
  2. Cultural Sensitivity: Understanding the cultural contexts in which illicit products may appear.
  3. Supporting Law Enforcement: Assisting authorities in curbing the illegal wildlife trade.
  4. Public Awareness: Raising awareness about the consequences of buying and selling illegal products.
  5. Conservation Impact: Highlighting the role of identification in protecting endangered species.
  6. Ethical Consumerism: Encouraging responsible purchasing decisions to avoid supporting illegal trade.
  7. Collaboration: Working with local communities and authorities to combat wildlife trafficking.
  8. Practical Training: Providing hands-on experience in identifying and reporting illicit products.
Reptile Identification
  1. Species Recognition: Teaching participants how to identify different reptile species.
  2. Conservation Importance: Highlighting the role of reptiles in maintaining healthy ecosystems.
  3. Safety First: Emphasizing safe handling and observation techniques.
  4. Fieldwork Skills: Providing practical experience in spotting and identifying reptiles in the wild.
  5. Threatened Species: Raising awareness about endangered reptiles and their conservation needs.
  6. Behavioral Insights: Understanding reptile behavior to aid in identification.
  7. Habitat Knowledge: Learning about the specific environments that different reptiles inhabit.
  8. Community Involvement: Engaging local communities in reptile conservation and identification.
Butterfly Identification with Sanjay Sondh
  1. Appreciating Biodiversity: Understanding the rich diversity of butterfly species.
  2. Field Identification Skills: Learning how to recognize different butterflies in their natural habitats.
  3. Conservation Connections: Linking butterfly identification to broader conservation goals.
  4. Life Cycle Awareness: Understanding the stages of butterfly development and their ecological roles.
  5. Habitat Preservation: Highlighting the importance of preserving habitats for butterfly populations.
  6. Community Engagement: Encouraging locals to participate in butterfly conservation through identification.
  7. Hands-On Learning: Providing participants with practical experience in the field.
  8. Sharing Enthusiasm: Fostering a love for butterflies and nature among participants.





Wildlife Photography and Selecting Optical Equipment
  1. Capturing Ethical Images: Focusing on responsible wildlife photography that respects animals and their habitats.
  2. Choosing the Right Tools: Learning how to select optical equipment suited to different wildlife scenarios.
  3. Conservation Storytelling: Using photography to raise awareness about conservation issues.
  4. Field Techniques: Practicing photography skills in real-world wildlife settings.
  5. Minimizing Impact: Emphasizing techniques that reduce disturbance to wildlife during photography.
  6. Connecting with Nature: Encouraging a deeper connection to wildlife through the lens.
  7. Sharing Perspectives: Building a community of photographers committed to conservation.
  8. Documenting Biodiversity: Using photography to document and celebrate the diversity of life.
Building Community Projects
  1. Empowering Local Voices: Involving communities in the creation and management of ecotourism projects.
  2. Sustainable Development: Ensuring community projects benefit both people and nature.
  3. Cultural Integration: Respecting and incorporating local traditions and knowledge.
  4. Long-Term Partnerships: Fostering enduring collaborations between communities and conservationists.
  5. Capacity Building: Equipping communities with the skills and resources needed for project success.
  6. Economic Benefits: Highlighting how community-led ecotourism can create sustainable livelihoods.
  7. Monitoring and Adaptation: Encouraging ongoing evaluation and adaptation of projects.
  8. Shared Ownership: Promoting a sense of pride and responsibility in local conservation efforts.
Species-Specific Tourism Interventions
  1. Targeted Conservation Efforts: Focusing tourism on species that need protection and awareness.
  2. Creating Unique Experiences: Designing tours that highlight the importance of specific species.
  3. Balancing Tourism and Conservation: Ensuring that species-specific tourism does not harm the very animals it aims to protect.
  4. Educating Visitors: Teaching tourists about the ecological role and conservation status of featured species.
  5. Promoting Species Recovery: Using tourism revenue to fund conservation projects for endangered species.
  6. Minimizing Disturbance: Developing guidelines to reduce stress on targeted species during tours.
  7. Community Involvement: Involving local communities in species-specific tourism initiatives.
  8. Success Stories: Sharing examples of how tourism has positively impacted specific species.
Visitor Management Training
  1. Sustainable Tourism Practices: Teaching how to manage visitors in ways that protect natural resources.
  2. Enhancing Visitor Experience: Balancing conservation needs with memorable visitor experiences.
  3. Managing Human-Wildlife Interaction: Reducing the risk of negative encounters between visitors and wildlife.
  4. Capacity Control: Learning techniques to manage the number of visitors in sensitive areas.
  5. Educational Engagement: Training guides to inform visitors about conservation and responsible behavior.
  6. Cultural Sensitivity: Ensuring that visitor management respects local traditions and beliefs.
  7. Crisis Management: Preparing for emergencies and unexpected situations in ecotourism settings.
  8. Feedback Mechanisms: Using visitor feedback to improve management practices continually.
Maintaining the Originality of Sacred Groves, Places, Monuments, and Tanks
  1. Cultural Preservation: Protecting the cultural significance of sacred sites in ecotourism.
  2. Respectful Tourism: Teaching visitors to honor the traditions and history of sacred places.
  3. Conservation of Heritage: Combining cultural preservation with environmental conservation.
  4. Community Stewardship: Involving local communities in the maintenance and protection of sacred sites.
  5. Sustainable Practices: Ensuring tourism practices do not damage sacred groves, monuments, or tanks.
  6. Educational Programs: Informing visitors about the importance of these sites in local culture and ecology.
  7. Integrating Tradition with Modernity: Balancing conservation needs with the preservation of cultural heritage.
  8. Promoting Coexistence: Encouraging practices that allow wildlife and cultural sites to thrive together
Traditions Helping Coexistence with Wildlife
  1. Cultural Wisdom: Highlighting traditional practices that promote harmony between humans and wildlife.
  2. Respecting Wildlife: Teaching the importance of respecting animals as part of cultural heritage.
  3. Community-Led Conservation: Empowering locals to use traditional knowledge in modern conservation efforts.
  4. Sustainable Practices: Promoting traditional methods that support wildlife conservation.
  5. Education and Awareness: Using cultural narratives to educate about the value of wildlife.
  6. Rituals and Conservation: Exploring how traditional rituals can support environmental protection.
  7. Intergenerational Knowledge: Preserving and passing down traditional wisdom on living with wildlife.
  8. Promoting Peaceful Coexistence: Encouraging practices that reduce human-wildlife conflict.
Carbon Footprint Calculator
  1. Understanding Impact: Teaching how to measure and reduce one's carbon footprint in ecotourism.
  2. Promoting Low-Impact Travel: Encouraging eco-friendly travel choices that minimize environmental impact.
  3. Education and Awareness: Raising awareness about the carbon emissions associated with tourism.
  4. Actionable Steps: Providing practical tips for reducing carbon emissions while traveling.
  5. Sustainable Practices: Encouraging the use of carbon calculators in ecotourism planning.
  6. Tracking Progress: Monitoring carbon reduction efforts over time.
  7. Involving Tourists: Engaging visitors in efforts to offset their carbon footprints.
  8. Supporting Conservation: Using carbon savings to fund conservation initiatives.
Low Input and High Output Methods
  1. Efficient Resource Use: Teaching how to achieve maximum results with minimal environmental impact.
  2. Sustainable Tourism Models: Developing ecotourism practices that are both effective and eco-friendly.
  3. Cost-Effective Conservation: Exploring ways to conserve resources while achieving conservation goals.
  4. Innovative Techniques: Sharing new methods that increase efficiency in ecotourism and conservation.
  5. Maximizing Impact: Ensuring that conservation efforts provide significant benefits with low resource input.
  6. Community Engagement: Involving locals in creating and implementing low-input, high-output strategies.
  7. Long-Term Sustainability: Focusing on methods that are sustainable over the long term.
  8. Measuring Success: Monitoring the effectiveness of these methods in conservation and tourism.
Learning Ecotourism Marketing
  1. Promoting Responsible Tourism: Teaching how to market ecotourism in a way that emphasizes sustainability.
  2. Attracting the Right Audience: Focusing on marketing strategies that appeal to eco-conscious travelers.
  3. Storytelling for Conservation: Using powerful narratives to promote ecotourism and conservation goals.
  4. Digital Marketing Skills: Learning how to leverage online platforms for ecotourism promotion.
  5. Community Involvement: Encouraging local communities to take part in marketing efforts.
  6. Transparency and Ethics: Ensuring that marketing practices align with the values of sustainability.
  7. Measuring Marketing Impact: Tracking the effectiveness of marketing campaigns in attracting visitors.
  8. Building Partnerships: Creating collaborations with other businesses and organizations to boost marketing efforts.
Learning Ecotourism Marketing
  1. Promoting Responsible Tourism: Teaching how to market ecotourism in a way that emphasizes sustainability.
  2. Attracting the Right Audience: Focusing on marketing strategies that appeal to eco-conscious travelers.
  3. Storytelling for Conservation: Using powerful narratives to promote ecotourism and conservation goals.
  4. Digital Marketing Skills: Learning how to leverage online platforms for ecotourism promotion.
  5. Community Involvement: Encouraging local communities to take part in marketing efforts.
  6. Transparency and Ethics: Ensuring that marketing practices align with the values of sustainability.
  7. Measuring Marketing Impact: Tracking the effectiveness of marketing campaigns in attracting visitors.
  8. Building Partnerships: Creating collaborations with other businesses and organizations to boost marketing efforts.




Species: Woodpeckers, Owls, Elephants, Hornbills, Falconry
  1. Unique Adaptations: Discover the fascinating adaptations of each species, from the woodpecker's drumming to the owl's silent flight.
  2. Behavioral Insights: Learn about the distinctive behaviors and habits that define these species.
  3. Conservation Status: Understand the current conservation status and the challenges these species face in the wild.
  4. Habitat Needs: Explore the specific habitat requirements essential for the survival of woodpeckers, owls, elephants, hornbills, and falcons.
  5. Human-Wildlife Conflict: Discuss strategies to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts affecting these species.
  6. Cultural Significance: Delve into the cultural and symbolic importance of these species in different cultures and traditions.
  7. Conservation Efforts: Highlight ongoing conservation efforts and success stories related to these species.
  8. Future Directions: Explore future conservation strategies and research needs to ensure the protection and survival of these species.
Wildlife Art
  1. Creative Expression: Exploring art as a medium to celebrate and raise awareness for wildlife.
  2. Connecting with Nature: Using artistic skills to deepen the bond between people and wildlife.
  3. Conservation Messaging: Translating environmental themes into compelling visual art.
  4. Inspiring Advocacy: Encouraging participants to use their art to support conservation efforts.
  5. Art as Education: Using wildlife art to educate the public about species and habitats.
  6. Showcasing Diversity: Highlighting the richness of wildlife through various artistic styles.
  7. Collaborative Projects: Engaging in community art projects focused on wildlife conservation.
  8. Preserving Culture: Incorporating traditional art forms to reflect cultural connections with wildlife.
Wildlife Games
  1. Interactive Learning: Using games to teach about wildlife and conservation in a fun way.
  2. Engaging Experience: Creating immersive experiences that captivate and educate participants.
  3. Problem-Solving Skills: Developing strategies to address conservation challenges through gameplay.
  4. Team Collaboration: Encouraging teamwork and cooperation in wildlife-themed games.
  5. Raising Awareness: Using games to highlight key issues in wildlife conservation.
  6. Creative Challenges: Designing and participating in wildlife-themed challenges and puzzles.
  7. Educational Fun: Making learning about wildlife and conservation enjoyable for all ages.
  8. Encouraging Participation: Inspiring more people to get involved in wildlife conservation through interactive activities.
  1. Artistic Observation: Capturing the beauty and diversity of wildlife through sketching.
  2. Skill Development: Enhancing drawing skills while focusing on wildlife subjects.
  3. Field Sketching: Practicing sketching techniques in natural settings for authentic experiences.
  4. Creative Exploration: Encouraging creativity in representing wildlife and their habitats.
  5. Conservation Through Art: Using sketches to raise awareness about endangered species.
  6. Personal Expression: Allowing individual styles to shine through in wildlife sketches.
  7. Sharing Perspectives: Exchanging sketching techniques and insights with fellow participants.
  8. Documenting Nature: Creating a visual record of wildlife observations and experiences.
Writing and Photography
  1. Combining Art Forms: Merging writing and photography to tell compelling stories about wildlife.
  2. Capturing Moments: Using photography to visually document wildlife encounters and experiences.
  3. Crafting Narratives: Writing engaging stories that complement photographic work.
  4. Enhancing Communication: Developing skills to effectively communicate conservation messages.
  5. Creative Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration between writers and photographers on wildlife projects.
  6. Showcasing Work: Sharing and critiquing writing and photographic works with peers.
  7. Inspiring Action: Using written and visual content to motivate others to support wildlife conservation.
  8. Documentary Skills: Learning techniques to create impactful wildlife documentaries through writing and photography.
Tattoo Making
  1. Expressing Passion: Using tattoo art to celebrate and advocate for wildlife.
  2. Cultural Significance: Exploring the cultural meanings and symbols associated with wildlife tattoos.
  3. Artistic Skill: Learning the techniques and tools used in creating wildlife-themed tattoos.
  4. Personal Connection: Encouraging participants to express their personal connection to wildlife through tattoos.
  5. Promoting Awareness: Using tattoos to raise awareness about conservation issues.
  6. Safety and Hygiene: Understanding the importance of safety and hygiene in tattoo making.
  7. Design Inspiration: Drawing inspiration from wildlife for unique and meaningful tattoo designs.
  8. Community Building: Connecting with others who share a passion for wildlife through tattoo art.
  1. Sharing Experiences: Using storytelling to convey personal encounters with wildlife.
  2. Cultural Narratives: Incorporating traditional and cultural stories about wildlife.
  3. Emotional Impact: Crafting stories that evoke emotions and foster a connection to wildlife.
  4. Educational Stories: Teaching conservation lessons through engaging and relatable narratives.
  5. Interactive Sessions: Encouraging participants to share their own wildlife stories and experiences.
  6. Inspiring Action: Motivating listeners to take action in support of wildlife conservation through storytelling.
  7. Creative Expression: Developing skills to creatively narrate wildlife-related stories.
  8. Building Community: Creating a space for shared stories and experiences about wildlife.
Wildlife Book Reading
  1. Exploring Literature: Discovering books that highlight wildlife and conservation themes.
  2. Fostering Understanding: Enhancing knowledge about wildlife through insightful readings.
  3. Sharing Perspectives: Discussing different viewpoints and insights from wildlife literature.
  4. Engaging Discussions: Participating in conversations about the impact of wildlife books.
  5. Inspiring Change: Using literature to inspire a deeper commitment to wildlife protection.
  6. Diverse Voices: Exploring books from various authors and cultures to understand wildlife conservation.
  7. Encouraging Reading: Promoting wildlife literature as a tool for education and advocacy.
  8. Connecting with Authors: Engaging with authors to gain a deeper understanding of their work and its impact.
Survival and Camping
  1. Practical Skills: Learning essential skills for surviving and camping in natural habitats.
  2. Respecting Nature: Emphasizing the importance of leaving no trace while camping.
  3. Safety First: Teaching safety practices for camping and interacting with wildlife.
  4. Building Resilience: Developing resilience and adaptability in outdoor environments.
  5. Eco-Friendly Camping: Implementing sustainable practices to minimize environmental impact.
  6. Outdoor Skills: Gaining hands-on experience with survival techniques and camping gear.
  7. Connecting with Nature: Deepening your connection to nature through immersive camping experiences.
  8. Community Support: Sharing tips and experiences with fellow campers and survival enthusiasts.
  1. Observing Birds: Learning to identify and appreciate different bird species in their natural habitats.
  2. Field Techniques: Practicing birdwatching skills and using tools like binoculars and field guides.
  3. Conservation Awareness: Understanding the role of birdwatching in bird conservation efforts.
  4. Connecting with Nature: Enhancing your appreciation for wildlife through birdwatching.
  5. Sharing Knowledge: Exchanging birdwatching tips and experiences with other enthusiasts.
  6. Documenting Sightings: Keeping records of bird sightings to contribute to citizen science projects.
  7. Promoting Bird-Friendly Practices: Encouraging behaviors that support bird conservation.
  8. Building Community: Joining a community of birdwatchers passionate about avian conservation.

In Partnership With